Singaporean vlogger gets Merlion Frappe instead of Unicorn Frappuccino at Starbucks SG
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Hi guys! So the other day I decided to see if the Starbucks near my office will be willing to recreate the Merlion Frappuccino which was made for Youtuber @thejetsets and featured on several sites like Mothership, STOMP, Mustsharenews and so on. This was in response to the insanely viral and psychedelic Unicorn Frappuccino that ran for a very limited time in the US, because it's rare and mythical, yo (even though most Youtubers' reactions when they tried it wasn't great, haha). I was honestly skeptical that I'll get the Merlion Frappe because I thought... a lot of service staff in the F&B cannot compute/deal with these off-menu requests. I remember how it was even impossible to change out the drink to a different one at Jollibee in Novena last time.
Anyway, I gave it a shot and got these:
Watch my vlog here quickly to see how I pulled it off.
Why is the Merlion orange/pink? Why is there no shape of the merlion head on the whipped cream? How come it is not creme coloured with a green straw spewing out of the whipped cream merlion head's mouth? These are all questions that we do not have answers for.
In case you are curious and want to know the recipe so you can request your own, the Merlion Frappe (S$6.30 for one unless during 1-for-1) were made from mango and ice blended, with raspberry syrup on top of whipped cream and mixed with the mango. To be honest, they were super sweet and rather difficult to drink. I will suggest for you to ask for milk to be ice blended with the syrups maybe.
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Hi I'm Alexis, a Singaporean food and lifestyle blogger. Passionate about good food, travel, beauty and gadgets. This blog is a place where I share all the things I love. It has a readership of over 21,000 views per month. Email me for collabs & reviews.
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