Tag food photos with #DoGoodWithFood for charity!

I was approached by some students from NUS Business School with an interesting proposition recently. For their Final Year Project, they are doing a charitable project called #dogoodwithfood where the aim is very simple - get money out of food photos to be donated to charity.

The campaign runs from today to 8th March 2013. For every successful photo entry uploaded using the mobile app or tagged with the caption #dogoodwithfood (or #dgwf), 10¢ will be donated to The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund to help the needy students, which is capped at $1,388.

That means a total of 13,880 photos needed! :O! Impossibiru unless we all do our part. You can view all the good food on www.dogoodwithfood.com.sg

This is a commendable effort, and I do wish to help out. I hope all of you can do the same too! After all, we are ALL guilty of taking photos of our food before eating!

See exhibit 1. And many more on pictures of asians taking pictures of food tumblr.

Here's how to:

There's also an iPhone app that you can download to upload pics to the site. Simply search "DGWF" in App Store.

Just remember, tag your food pics during this festive season with this extra hashtag and each photo becomes a 10c contribution.

Please share this around, and let's do good with food!

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